Thanks for commenting and reading Cliff. Your responses are always well thought through and challenging. I 100% believe there is no one-size-fits-all or golden bullet. There is too much complexity and moving parts — so we have to adjust to the reality we live in. “Every situation is different” as you say.
I do believe that it is very difficult to come up with something good from scratch. Then you really need to be experienced and a master (Ri). I think the problem comes from implementing a framework without access to “enough” Ri-persons and a learning organization. Then whatever you implement gets twisted — whether it is OKR’s, KPI’s, ISO, ITIL, etc. All invented by clever persons wishing to solve a problem.
However, if you don’t adjust that to your situation, you are really in problem :)
To adjust you need to share a common world by opening up, working together and share the same experiences. That is the box.
When I was a football coach training my son I remember us as coaches were divided. Half os us believed that let them have fun and experience on the field — eventually they will learn more about tactics and good passing techniques. The other half was the opposite. You first need to learn the game and how to pass before you can enjoy the game. Two different philosophies leading to completely different approaches on how to train young football players.
Which one is right? I can’t tell.