Thank you Sieger!
Great input. I have worked with LeSS as well. I really appreciate how Craig and Vodde describe their experiences using "Try..." and "Avoid...". And I think you are right - the problem is the scaling which adds so much overhead. I actually liked LeSS but almost got burned out as a HPG.
At some time, I read about a law saying that for each time you want to double capacity, you need to double the number of teams. If you have two teams, that means adding two more teams to get 200%; to get 300%, you need eight teams, and 400% means 16 teams. I believe that is correct. So if you could somehow keep the number of teams low to avoid overhead and still have groups of teams work towards some bigger vision independently without dependencies...I know that is what SAFe tries to do with value streams and LeSS with areas. I just have not experienced it to work well in practice.