Hi Cliff!
On the contrary, a Flux organization exists because there is a shared mission the participants wish to reach.
In these organizations, there might not even be management. Take Henrik Kniberg's company "Crisp" - they have no managers. Instead, they divide work to whoever wants to take the lead.
Same thing with massive online gaming. Anyone who feels like taking leadership because participants are motivated can do it - if done compellingly enough, people will follow.
By nature of the organism, it is tough to have a top-down approach. People would not listen just because you say you are a CEO - there might not even be one.
The big difference is that when the mission is over, the organization might self dissolve as there is no reason to exist anymore. I believe in the new Gig-economy this will be pretty common. But to gain any traction, you need supporters, as with kickstarter.com, for example.